R: How to enable printing to console when using `future::plan(sequential)`...
The future package is great, but when debuging with future::plan(sequential), any print doesn't get printed to console.I think there is an option to enable printing to console.Hope posting will make it...
View ArticleHow to combine data frames with differing nr of rows and sort equally
dfa date league a b home draw away 1 2019-12-22 17:00 BL Paderborn Eintracht Frankfurt 3.48 4.06 2.01 2 2019-12-22 14:30 BL Fortuna Düsseldorf Unión BerlÃn 2.80 3.31 2.67 dfb c d home1 draw1 away1 1...
View ArticleTwo text labels (one for bar and one for line)
I have the following graph, I want to display percentage along side the line and numbers along side the bar & also text labels above each bar. How do I achieve this?Below is the code (R...
View ArticleChange Character to Formula [closed]
I need to convert a character created by paste function to formula to be executed automatically.Consider the following data frame:z=data.frame(x=c(1,2,3)) Now storing the variable names in...
View ArticleCalculate FREX Score in Python
I need to evaluate my LDA model using FREX (FRequency and EXclusivity) score.There is an implementation in R: https://rdrr.io/cran/stm/man/calcfrex.htmlNeed help to do it in Python.
View ArticleWhy does the function modal() get stuck when used with summarise in R? [closed]
Context: I have a data frame of bird gps fixes (~48million rows) to which I have assigned the ID of a grid cell that each fix intersects. I also have timestamp for each fix among other attributes. I...
View ArticleHow to use scale_x_date properly
I am a new user in R and I hope you can help me.setwd("C:/Users/USER/Desktop/Jorge") agua <- read_excel("agua.xlsx") pbi <- read_excel("PBIagro.xlsx") str(agua); names(agua)[2] <- "Variación";...
View ArticleFinding Farsi or non English words in a file
I have a raw data (csv file) which I loaded to R studio and I want to extract those columns which have non english data in it how could possibly I can do that?
View ArticleHow to run ANOVA functions for a random forest model in R?
I need to do an ANOVA on a random forest model. Calling the same code I use for glm and gam models doesn't with my rf model. What code shall I use to make it work?I am using the sdm package from R to...
View ArticleR bootstrapping resampling with multiple observations per id and return the...
I'm trying to do a bootstrap for my data. My data (df) has the following shape.id v1 v2 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 2 2 0 2 1 1 2 0 0 As far as I understand, when initializing the bootstrap in R, the resampling...
View ArticleHow to combine line and points plots with ggplot2 in R
I would like to use ggplot2 to plot 3 time series in the same graph. I'd like to plot the first 2 series as solid lines without points. And I would like to plot the third series with points only and no...
View Articleseries plots for various cases by considering multiple variables from...
I'm trying to generate all possible number of plots from two different data frames (df1 anf df2) based on their individual cases (rows) using ggplotpreferably with Loop/facet_wrap/facet_grid. But I...
View ArticleHow to compile a whole R source packages with Clang...
Based on several postings in stackoverflow, in OSX 10.15, I can suppress warning: pointer is missing a nullability type specifier (_Nonnull, _Nullable, or _Null_unspecified)...
View ArticleR code to categorize age into group/ bins/ breaks
I am trying to categorize age into group so it will not be continuous. I have this code: data$agegrp(data$age>=40 & data$age<=49) <- 3 data$agegrp(data$age>=30 & data$age<=39)...
View ArticleIn shiny / flexdashboards how can I change the values of columns through an...
I just can't seem to figure out how to change the value of columns in a dataframe within flexdashboard/shiny when multiple = TRUE. In the example below I can change x and y by selecting them...
View ArticleGetting error while doing the variance test
When I try to execute the variance test in the R shiny app, it throws the error: undefined columns selected. Please take a look at the code and rectify it. UI#install.packages("shiny") library(shiny)...
View ArticleLogical Operators on characters in R
I just wanted to know how R evaluate different characters when applied logical operators. Like"a"> "b""b"> "c""a+b"> "b+a""-"> "+""&"> "%"I just wanted to know how R arrange...
View ArticleHow to transfer parallele to each nodes for parallel in R?
Dear all: I have a question when I run a R script in parallel.# library(parallel) library(mvtnorm) source('./function.R') snp <- read.table('./high_19.gt', header = T, check.names = F) pheno <-...
View ArticleHow to reshape dataframe [closed]
I have a dataframe with text data. It looks like this:How to use R library(reshape2) reshape dataframe like this:
View ArticleHow to subscript/superscript and italicize x-axis labels?
I am trying to re-name the x-axis labels and would like to subscript/superscript few letters and numbers. For example, In FG(5,6)a I would like to italicize 'F' and would like to subscript/superscript...
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