FPGrowth/Association Rules using Sparklyr
I am trying to build an association rules algorithm using Sparklyr and have been following this blog which is really well explained.However, there is a section just after they fit the FPGrowth...
View ArticlePlotly R with ggplot2: Use coord_polar in a geom_bar using plotly
Is there a simple way of using coord_polar() when doing a barplot in ggplot2 using plotly?Example without using polar coordinates - It worksOne could also add +coord_flip() and this would still...
View ArticleHow to scrape text from website with a "Show more" attribute in R?
Hello Stack overflow community,There is a website with financial data Investing.com which offers data points and forecasts for certain economic variables.For whoever is further interested, the exact...
View ArticleStrange behavior of C++/Rcpp::NumericVector: Updating values of a vector in...
This question already has an answer here:Rcpp pass by reference vs. by value 1 answerI use Rcpp to outsource a nested loop from R (the time improvements are huge!). But I have encountered a strange...
View ArticleHow do binomial double trees work in h2o?
How does h2o create trees when we set binomial_double_trees to TRUE?! If I can find the optimal number of trees using h2o.grid, then why do we need binomial_double_trees = TRUE(also one question more,...
View Articledevtools::check() F used instead of FALSE Execution halted ,R
my function and comment is:#' @examples check_duplication(iris,col_names = "Sepal.Length",check_type = F) # check_duplication(iris,col_names = "Sepal.Width") check_duplication <-...
View ArticleR ggplot geom_bar: Change transparency inside bars, keeping contour/boundary...
Problem StatementIs there a way of changing the transparency of the inside of the bars in a geom_bar barplot in ggplot2? Basically I would like to make the "fill" be more transparent than the...
View Article3 way Venn diagram with internal labels in R
I have been searching to figure out how a Venn diagram can be plotted with displaying internal labels (overlap items) programmatically. There is no error in the code, but still I cannot figure out how...
View ArticleArrange ggplot Output Charts on ioslides Slide
Problem:I am using RMarkdown to produce an ioslides presentation. I don't really know any CSS, but I can hack around a little.I have three ggplot charts I want on a single slide. Here's what I did in...
View ArticlePlot some points in contour curve from ggplot2
I'd like to plot a specific number of points of z in the contour curve, for example, 8 or 10 points. Below I show an example, but with all points. library(ggplot2) library(tidyverse) rosenbrock <-...
View ArticleExcluding column on chart in ggplot2
I would like to exclude one column from my chart. In csv I use as my data there is a lot of empty cells and thus there is nameless column in my chart that is at the same highest of them all. In my...
View ArticleCreate an R function which select a character element of a vector as input...
I hope someone can help me.I have this dataset, called "dialogue":turn word freq 1 A 0.18181818 1 B 0.13636364 1 C 0.31818182 1 D 0.13636364 1 F 0.13636364 1 G 0.09090909 2 A 0.25000000 2 B 0.10000000...
View ArticleR project "unexpected string constant" error when program start
When I turn on my R project, this strange error occurred. Error: 1:41: unexpected string constant 4: 5: if(capabilities(" ^ I reinstalled it twice, but the same problem happened. The same problem...
View ArticleInsert and populate two columns based on column wise conditions
I have this df:data <- structure(list(location = c("bern", "bern", "zurich", "zurich", "basel", "basel", "basel"), location_latitude = c(4.1, 4.1, 6.2, 6.2, 7.3, 7.3, 7.3), location_longitude =...
View ArticleUsing map2_dfr to bind_cols of data together
I have two lists called 5 and 6 which look like the following:df1:$`5` $`5`$`2016-01-01` [,1] [1,] -0.8357399 [2,] 0.7793535 [3,] 1.2425095 [4,] 1.0564501 [5,] 0.7351215 [6,] -0.1976808 [7,] 0.1692951...
View Article"Pivot" nested list to tibble
I have a tibble that contains all modeling data from cross-validation (CV) for multiple models. Tibble has 5 rows (because of 5 CV splits) and columns that include data from models (for each split...
View ArticleDynamic mutating of dataframe columns in R, unable to work out how to use...
I have a R project with lots of dataframes. Each dataframe has similar naming conventions.{For more detail - each dataframe is from a different electronic form that my field staff fill in, created in...
View ArticleWhen does a package need to use ::: for its own objects
Consider this R package with two functions, one exported and the other internalhello.R#' @export hello <- function() { internalFunctions:::hello_internal() } hello_internal.Rhello_internal <-...
View ArticleLinear programming using blocking theory R
The following linear programming problem is not of canonical form. I am really stuck when trying to put this in regular form and feed it into the normal lp() function.Does someone has experience with...
View ArticleremoveUI does not remove UI completely
I have two tabItems in my dashboard as following in the ui.r file:library(shiny) library(shinydashboard) library(shinyWidgets) ui <- dashboardPage( dashboardHeader( title = "Title" ),...
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