I need a watermark on my html output Rmarkdown but it is masked by the datatables.
There might be a simple answer but i don't know Javascript yet. Any tip?
I have tried using formatStyle but it doesn't work as expected:
datatable(mytable, escape = F, class = 'row-border hover compact') %>%
formatStyle(columns = names(mytable), backgroundColor = "#FFFFFF00")
I get my watermark with style.css:
.watermark {
opacity: 0.2;
position: fixed;
top: 50%;
left: 50%;
font-size: 600%;
color: #00407d;
and Rmarkdown header:
title: "PRAP Monitoring Indicators from 2015 to 2017 in one province of Viet Nam"
author: "Gael Sola / Hoàng Việt Anh"
date: "December 2019"
highlight: pygments
theme: "flatly" # for: html_document black theme: darkly, white them: flatly
toc: TRUE
toc_float: TRUE # for: html_document
css: PRAP MS - markdown-styles.css
<div class="watermark">DRAFT</div>