I am trying to print a PDF of a xaringan markdown that I have created. When I open up the html created by the R markdown, it renders perfectly fine in my browser. However, when I go to print it as a PDF (using the "Save as PDF" option), it adds large white margins to the bottom and right sides of the slides.
I can avoid this by using pagedown but my workplace only allows me to use chrome to convert to PDF. To double check, I ran the hello world example from https://bookdown.org/yihui/rmarkdown/xaringan-start.html, opened it in chrome, tried to print it and got the same results.
I did this on two separate computers to double check that it wasnt just my machine.
I am running 3.5.2 for R.
PS: It looks like this used to be a problem with Xaringan https://github.com/yihui/xaringan/issues/65