As part of my job, I need to fit a bunch of 'generalised logistic' (GL)* regression models (with some special restrictions that are not pertinent to this question). There is no package that currently allows me to do this so I have written my own function which just optimises the likelihood. It is messy, and not that general at the moment as it is tailored towards the specific job I need it to do.
I was thinking about turning it into a more general package, it would be the first I had written.
My questions are:
1) Am I missing a trick, and is it possible to just bolt on my own link function to GLM rather than writing it from scratch?
2) Is their information somewhere on the standards expected for a regression package, e.g., expected "summary" output, standardised names for output, standard formula input, etc?
3) Are there any good "how to write a package in R" resources that you could recommend?
I'm happy to be more specific if needed. Many thanks for any replies.