Recently, I intend to forecast the conditional variance of daily stock returns through a GRJ GARCH model. However, I face an unexpected error as:
Error in xts(object@fit$fitted.values, D) :
'' cannot contain 'NA', 'NaN', or 'Inf'
My codes are:
spec.gjrGARCH = ugarchspec(variance.model=list(model="gjrGARCH", garchOrder=c(1,1)),
gjrGARCH <- ugarchfit(data=garch.sample, spec=spec.gjrGARCH)
I have checked that there are no "NA" or "Inf" in my data matrix. A summary of my data sample is shown as:
V1 V2
1966-02-01 -2.583820e-05 -7.877959e-05
1966-02-02 -1.556989e-02 -8.054168e-04
1966-02-03 -3.326661e-05 -5.629779e-05
1966-02-04 -4.517833e-05 -5.390856e-05
1966-02-07 -2.517368e-05 -7.760792e-05
1966-02-08 -5.919566e-05 -5.115820e-05
V1 V2
Min. :-1.557e-02 Min. :-9.898e-03
1st Qu.:-7.227e-05 1st Qu.:-6.774e-05
Median :-5.344e-05 Median :-5.810e-05
Mean : 1.714e-04 Mean : 7.513e-04
3rd Qu.:-3.266e-05 3rd Qu.:-4.436e-05
Max. : 1.598e-02 Max. : 1.635e-02
I do appreciate if anyone could give any answers to solve this error.