I would like to nudge the x and y position of text in ggplot2, using sf. The justification of text can be modified in aesthetics, which then requires nudging to be also modified similarly, but nudge_x and nudge_y can't be used in aesthetics.
Using sp and fortified data frames, I could modify x and y in aesthetics ( x=(x+hBump), y=(y+vBump) . I don't know if that is possible in sf.
Here are some data:
Cities <- read.table( text=
"City long lat hJust vJust hBump vBump
GrandJunction -108.550649 39.063871 1 1 -1100 -1000
Gunnison -106.925321 38.545825 0 1 0 -1000
Tincup -106.47836 38.754439 1 0 0 800",
header=TRUE )
Convert to sf
Cities.sf <- st_as_sf(
x = Cities,
coords = c("long", "lat"),
crs = "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84"
ggplot (the coord_sf is just so labels don't get off)
ggplot(Cities.sf) +
geom_sf() +
coord_sf(xlim = c(-109, -106.3), ylim = c(38.4, 39.2)) +
geom_sf_text(aes(label = City, hjust = hJust, vjust = vJust))
Now if we nudge for one, the others may get messed up. Need aesthetic nudging!
ggplot(Cities.sf) +
geom_sf() +
coord_sf(xlim = c(-109, -106.3), ylim = c(38.4, 39.2)) +
aes(label = City, hjust = hJust, vjust = vJust),
nudge_x = 0.025, nudge_y = -0.025
Side question - I guess if I transform the object to another crs
using meters, then the nudge units have to change from degrees to meters? That is the units that hBump and vBump are in.