What is the easiest way to order boxplots in tidyverse and ggplot in this...
consider the data below to show them in boxplots using ggplot. What is needed is actually ordering the food items which are at home. MWEstructure(list(Site = structure(c(1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L,...
View ArticleIn geom_sf_text, how to nudge x and y in aesthetics?
I would like to nudge the x and y position of text in ggplot2, using sf. The justification of text can be modified in aesthetics, which then requires nudging to be also modified similarly, but nudge_x...
View ArticleHow can I color in one zipcode in a map, RStudio?
I made a zipcode map of dallas using this shapefile: https://gis.dallascityhall.com/shapefileDownload.aspx (Street Files)dallas_streets %>% sample_frac(1) %>% group_by(POSTAL_L) %>%...
View Article`dplyr::filter` in `mapply`
For the following code I am expecting the same result as for dplyr::filter( tab, A < 3 )tab <- data.frame( A = 1:3, B = letters[1:3] ) mapply( dplyr::filter, .data = list(tab), list( quote(A <...
View ArticleI'm getting an error when I try to upload an excel file to my RStudio server
I'm using R Studio Server. When I try to upload a file from my desktop, I'm getting Error: 'path' does not exist: 'data/sweets.xlsx'This is the code I'm using to upload my filesweetsimport <-...
View ArticleResidual stationarity test panel data using R
I am running a panel regression in R. I would like to test for stationarity.By doing a test on my dependent and independent variables, I couldn't reject H0 of unit root for one of my independent...
View ArticleHow to merge data frame based on date between two intervals of time?
I'm working with two data frames. Data frame 1 includes a date, I'll refer to it as the merge_date. Data frame 2 includes two dates, start date and end date.I want to merge data frame 1 and 2 together...
View ArticleImage to an excel spreadsheet in R
I have this script so I can convert an image to an excel. However, when I save to Excel, it is saved empty, without the printed image. Do you know why that happens? Underneath, the libraries are loaded...
View ArticleCitations in DT:datatable
I am working on a bookdown project where we have large tables that also contain citations. We are outputting in both html and pdf. The problem is that I cannot find a way to make the citations render...
View ArticleR regex split when upper case found in middle of the word [duplicate]
This question already has an answer here:Splitting string between capital and lowercase character in R? 1 answerI have some very dirty text data frame and I would like to clean it with R. I would like...
View ArticleIntegration in R using hcubature
rho <- 0.2 f1 <- function(X) { x <- X[1] y <- X[2] (pnorm(x-10)-pnorm(y-10))^2*(exp(-((x-10)^2-2*rho*(x-10)*(y-10)+(y-10)^2)/(2*(1-rho^2)))/(2*pi*sqrt(1-rho^2))) } library(cubature)...
View Articlehow to obtain morphological features of head_token along with lemma in Udpipe?
I am relatively new to Udpipe-environment. Is there a way to extract morphological features of headtokens and along with KWIC in same dataframe in Udpipe? For instance, I would like to get subjects and...
View ArticleUnwanted values being added when using complete()
Happy New Year, everyone!I'm having an issue with transforming implicit missing data into explicit missing data. I am summarizing the number of observations of birds at specific survey sites. These...
View Articlecreate references in each section in Rmarkdown
I want to use Rmarkdown but what I've read is that when creating a bibliography using pandoc, references go at the end of the document:pandoc/citeproc issues: multiple bibliographies, nocite,...
View ArticleError when knitting Rmarkdown using cv template of vitae package
I installed and loaded package "vitae" for making CV in rmarkdown.I open R, go to rmarkdown, templates and chose Curriculum Vitae (Awesome-CV format). I name the document and on clicking "OK", an...
View Articledrop both row and column satisfying condition in symmetric dataframe
SettingMy task looks similar to this one but not quite. Suppose I have a symmetric data frame looking like thisdf <- data.frame( matrix(c(1, 7, 0, 5, 9, 0, 7, 4, 0, 8, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 8,...
View ArticleR, finding the worst predicted cases in a panel regression
I am working on a model explaining country participation in an international institution. After a Panel Regression using both a random- and a within transformation model, I want to select the cases...
View ArticleHow to extract Currency Values from Multiple Strings stored in different ways?
I have multiple types of strings in a dataframe's colume like : "Dear ... INR 2,36,22,217.29 on Date 2018-12-22 11:33:42 AM ..... No 8356111112294....."with the currency being written broadly in INR...
View ArticleWhat does %T>% function mean in R?
can you please explain this pipe - %T>% with some examples if possible. I found only one example with the plot:rnorm(200) %>% matrix(ncol = 2) %T>% plot %>% # plot usually does not return...
View ArticleUsing ggplot2 facet grid to explore large dataset with continuous and...
I have a dataset with >1000 observations belonging to either group A or group B, and ~150 categorical and continuous variables. Small version below. set.seed(16) mydf <- data.frame(ID = 1:50,...
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