I was given this task in R:
"Randomly select 10 trading days from each of the following months: January 2019 to June 2019 (6 months total)".
I have a CSV file of a company's stock trading history from the last 5 years (dates, opening price, closing price, changes, etc.) that I imported into R using this code (reading the file; setting date format; extracting all 6 relevant months):
SHAPIRENG5YEARS <- read.csv(file="C:\\Users\\Ron\\OneDrive\\5year.csv", header=TRUE, sep=",") #Choosing Shapir Engineering stock (last 5 years)
SHAPIRENG5YEARS$Date = as.Date(as.character(SHAPIRENG5YEARS$Date), format = "%d/%m/%Y")
January19=SHAPIRENG5YEARS[(SHAPIRENG5YEARS$Date > "2019-01-01"& SHAPIRENG5YEARS$Date < " 2019-01-31" ) ,]
February19=SHAPIRENG5YEARS[(SHAPIRENG5YEARS$Date > "2019-02-03"& SHAPIRENG5YEARS$Date < " 2019-02-28" ) ,]
March19=SHAPIRENG5YEARS[(SHAPIRENG5YEARS$Date > "2019-03-09"& SHAPIRENG5YEARS$Date < " 2019-03-31" ) ,]
April19=SHAPIRENG5YEARS[(SHAPIRENG5YEARS$Date > "2019-04-01"& SHAPIRENG5YEARS$Date < " 2019-04-30" ) ,]
May19=SHAPIRENG5YEARS[(SHAPIRENG5YEARS$Date > "2019-05-01"& SHAPIRENG5YEARS$Date < " 2019-05-30" ) ,]
June19=SHAPIRENG5YEARS[(SHAPIRENG5YEARS$Date > "2019-06-02"& SHAPIRENG5YEARS$Date < " 2019-06-30" ) ,]
Now I don't know what should I do. I can sample one month using
January19sample <-January19[sample(nrow(January19), 10), ]
but I want to avoid doing this six times (once for each month). Ideally I'd like to sample all 10*6=60 values from the original big data frame.
Edit: I'm still struggling. I tried this (It is not good because I'm getting a list of 6 lists, each with length of 18 and not random 10 picks):
for (i in 1:6)
TopSamples[i]=sample(Changer, 10)[2]
LowSamples[i]=sample(Changer, 10)[1]
print(sample(Changer, 10))