I have the following tibble:
my_tbl <- tribble(
~year, ~event_id, ~winner_id,
2011, "A", 4322,
2011, "A", 9604,
2012, "A", 4322,
2012, "A", 9604,
2012, "A", 1663,
2013, "A", 4322,
2014, "A", 5478,
2015, "A", 4322,
2015, "A", 1663,
2011, "B", 4322,
2012, "B", 7893,
2012, "B", 1188,
2013, "B", 7893,
2014, "B", 2365,
2015, "B", 3407,
2011, "C", 5556,
2012, "C", 5556,
2013, "C", 1238,
2014, "C", 2391,
2015, "C", 2391,
2011, "D", 4219,
2012, "D", 7623,
2013, "D", 8003,
2014, "D", 2851,
2015, "D", 0418
I would like to find out the most wins in a row by event id. The result I'm looking for would look like this:
results_summary_tbl <- tribble(
~event_id, ~most_wins_in_a_row, ~number_of_winners, ~winners, ~years,
"A", 3, 1, "4322", "4322 = (2011, 2012, 2013)",
"C", 2, 2, "5556 , 2391", "5556 = (2011, 2012), 2391 = (2014, 2015)",
"B", 2, 1, "7893", "7893 = (2012, 2013)",
"D", 1, 5, "4219 , 7623 , 8003 , 2851 , 0418", "4219 = (2011), 7623 = (2012), 8003 = (2013), 2851 = (2014), 0418 = (2015)"