Is it possible to make a shiny app with flexdashboard as a package with the Open Analytics golem package? Is it possible to dockerize it afterwards? How is the workflow going from the flexdashboard .Rmd file?
My Dockerfile so far
FROM rocker/shiny-verse:latest
MAINTAINER Tim M.Schendzielorz ""
# Install dependencies
RUN echo 'install.packages(c("dplyr","dbplyr","DBI","DT","plotly","flexdashboard","lubridate"), \
repos="", \
dependencies=TRUE)'> /tmp/packages.R \
&& Rscript /tmp/packages.R
# Copy configuration files into the Docker image
COPY shiny-server.conf /usr/bin/shiny-server.conf
COPY /usr/bin/
COPY flexdashboard.Rmd /usr/bin/flexdashboard.Rmd
# make all app files readable (solves issue when dev in Windows, but building in Ubuntu)
RUN chmod -R 755 /usr/bin
# Add shiny user
RUN groupadd user \
&& useradd --gid user --shell /bin/bash --create-home user
CMD ["R", "-e rmarkdown::run('/usr/bin/flexdashboard.Rmd')"]
I am new to Docker and it seems I need to add the Command to rmarkdown::run in the apps specs as mentioned here: Deploy Shiny app with Flexdashboard and start the shiny server with the standard shell command instead? Thank you Vincent for docktorrent, will try it now!