I'm trying to minimize the size of my docker image. It's on R-Base from the rocker project. It needs to be as small as possible, since it is used as a container instance in a cloud based workflow.
The image needs some extra packages (dplyr
, pdftools
, stringr
and AzureStor
). Some are available as binary, but AzureStor
I could not find as such.
I already used some recommended commands to minimize size. What can I do more? Please read the docker file below. A few options I'm considering now:
- Can I save space using 'no cache'? How do I 'implement' this?
- Is there a binary version for a R package like
? I can't find it. - Are there any other build commands or dockerfile lines I can use to reduce any excess size?
Any help would be much appreciated!
Here is my current dockerfile
FROM rocker/r-base:latest
## install binary, build and dependend packages from single run command
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y -qq --no-install-recommends --purge
r-cran-pdftools \
r-cran-dplyr \
r-cran-stringr \
libxml2-dev \
libssl-dev && \
## install non-binary packages (from the same run command)
echo "r <- getOption('repos');r['CRAN'] <- 'http://cran.us.r-project.org'; options(repos = r);"> ~/.Rprofile && \
Rscript -e "install.packages(c('AzureStor'))"&& \
mkdir -p /scripts \
## remove and clean what we can (still the same run command)
apt-get autoclean && \
apt-get -y autoremove libssl-dev && \
rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
## copy code
COPY script / script
## Set workdir
WORKDIR /scripts
## command line for autorunning the entire rscript
CMD [ "Rscript", "runscript.R"]
Right now, the size is around 800 mb. Hoping to get this down.