I am working on an app in shiny app o rstudio and i have a question in the second Tab of my app
You see the second tab of my app loads a data.frama written in the app.R file and prints it on rhandsome table, this tab has a selectinput that allows me to change between data.frames wich is some i was able todo thanks to reactivevalues functions and correspondly it does the same thing with the plots (wich i make with plotly) the problem is that i am trying to make the values change according to the selected data.frame and the selected
I have tried to do it by using the reactive function, like this
output$varx <- renderUI({
selectInput("variablex", "Seleccione la variable X", choices=names(TablaD()))
output$vary <- renderUI({
selectInput("variabley", "Seleccione la variable y", choices=names(TablaD()))
but when i use plotly like this
output$plot_three <-renderPlotly({
plot_ly(data=I.Plot(), x = ~X.var(), y = ~Y.var(), name = 'High 2014', type = 'scatter', mode = 'lines',
#x = ~Produccion_de_Energia_Neta, y = ~Produccion_de_Energia_Neta
line = list(color = 'rgb(205, 12, 24)', width = 4)) %>%
layout(title = "Grafico Lineal",
xaxis = list(title = "Valores"),
yaxis = list (title = "Kwh"))
and run the app i get the following error
Warning: Error in [: object of type 'closure' is not subsettable
104: recurse
103: FUN
102: lapply
101: traceify
100: plotly_build.plotly
96: getFromNamespace("prepareWidget", "plotly")
95: func
82: origRenderFunc
81: output$plot_three
1: runApp
how should I introduce the variables x = ~X.var()
and y = ~Y.var()
so plotly can accept them and make the plot