Panel data with multiindex
I would like to ask how to work with a panel data, or how to tranfort dataset so it can be then modeled as panel data, when it has multiindex?library(tibble) library(plm) library(fastDummies) dataset...
View ArticleCount number of words in a Dictionary file in R
I am reading in a dictionary into R via the quanteda package. This package is preloaded with some great dictionaries, one of which is the Moral Foundations Dictionary that I am interested in. This...
View ArticleInaccuracy with XGBoost scoring using RData model object and replicating with...
I am seeing something interesting with regards to replicating the scoring process of an XGBoost GBM. I have used R’s XGBoost functionality to train and score a model and am trying to use the JSON dump...
View ArticleMaking pie chart with top 5 values
I would like to know how do I put this "a" with top 5 values into my pie chart. I could not find it anywhere in the internet and sadly couldn't figure it out myself neithera <-...
View ArticleCreating column that lists distinct observations
I have a data frame of observations that looks like this (showing course numbers of college classes offered each term). The columns are very long and of varying lengths spring summer fall 4a 5b 5c 4a...
View ArticleError in [: object of type 'closure' is not subsettable when i use plotly
I am working on an app in shiny app o rstudio and i have a question in the second Tab of my app You see the second tab of my app loads a data.frama written in the app.R file and prints it on rhandsome...
View ArticleWhen creating Start and Endtimes within R, is there a way to make sure the...
I have a dataset that contains ID, Datetime and timediff. I grouped the ID and separated the Datetime into Starttime and Endtime, using this command:data1 <- data %>% group_by(ID, col =...
View ArticleWhy is the chron package treating 2 digit years oddly starting from 2030?
I recently noticed an odd behavior in R I can't explain. I had this in some old code:The following should produce the list of months from 01/1980 -> 01/2029 and it works as...
View Articleimap and use the name of the input variable in the output
(I've used the tidyverse tag because my question somewhat broadly asks for the 'tidy' approach to a problem)I am attempting to build a structure for training and evaluating various models.In the past I...
View ArticleHow can I generate error bars upper and lower whisker in ggplot2?
I am trying to replicate a box plot using R ggplot. However, I am having difficulties adding error bar especially with upper and lower horizontal lines. Also in my graph the jitter points are spread...
View ArticleReturn values with matching conditions in r
I would like to return values with matching conditions in another column based on a cut score criterion. If the cut scores are not available in the variable, I would like to grab closest larger value....
View ArticleHow to groupby dataframe based on a specific column and add the aggregations...
I've a dataframe that looks like this: PM2.5 PM10 SO2 datetime 1 4 4 7 2013-3-1 2 8 4 7 2013-3-1 3 7 7 3 2013-3-1 4 6 6 3 2013-3-2 5 3 3 3 2013-3-2 6 5 5 4 2013-3-2 Now i want to groupby all the...
View Articleiterating through data and creating new data frame
I am working with a data frame that comes from the database in the following way:username elements username1 """interfaces"".""dual()""" username1 """interfaces"".""f_capitalaccrualcurrentyear"""...
View ArticleHow can I tell if my time series in dampening in R?
I'm working with (M3[[1895]])$x and I want to use a function or test to say whether the ts is dampening or not? I have used STL to decompose the time series, I'm not confident simply looking at the...
View Articlegradient filled plot panels with facet_wrap
I did the following barchart by using:ggplot(yearplot,aes(x=reorder(vE,release.year), y=difference,fill=PAR,label=signif.)) + geom_bar(stat='identity',position = "dodge", size=3 ,alpha=1) +...
View ArticleError "insufficient number of instruments" when running plm IV regression
I'm investigating the effect of FDI on Freedom and want to apply panel IV regression.I use the plm package. While I run the regression, it gives me the following error: Error in, data,...
View ArticleInstallation of TensorFlow not found in R windows 10
I remain having problems with installing tensorflow for GPU.The Cuda is installed properly, the cuDNN is also in the files where they supposed to be. Annconda 3 is installed i run al the installations...
View ArticlePlot size won't adjust when saving ggplot2 objects
I have been trying to save ggplot2 objects using a loop, but for some reason the size of the plots will not adjust. I have tried using ggsave(), and I have tried using 'save_plot', since the objects...
View ArticleWhat does 'Can't use `!!!` at top level.' mean and how to resolve it?
I am trying to create a function for creating lollipop plots using ggplot2. I would like to pass all argument within ... to aes() within geom_point(). However, I'd like to exclude the size argument...
View ArticleTroubleshooting duplicate couples (id-time) in resulting pdata.frame
I have the following error code: duplicate couples (id-time) in resulting pdata.frame when I want to create my panel data.I already know that there are sometimes two duplicate couples but I just don't...
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