I have a dataset that contains ID, Datetime and timediff. I grouped the ID and separated the Datetime into Starttime and Endtime, using this command:
data1 <- data %>% group_by(ID, col = rep(c('StartTime', 'EndTime'), length.out = n())) %>%
tidyr::pivot_wider(names_from = col,values_from = DateTimeUTC) %>%
ungroup() %>%
I then removed the last 'odd' row for each group by using: (I did this to avoid NA rows, the rows have to be even)
odd <- data1 %>%
group_by(ss_ItemId) %>%
slice(if(n()%% 2 == 0)row_number() else seq_len(n()-1))
I then took the difference of starttime and endtime using this:
diff<-odd %>%
mutate at(vars(ends_with('Time')), lubridate::mdy_hms) %>%
mutate(diff = difftime(EndTime, StartTime, units = "secs"))
Is there a way to also group the start and endtimes by the day so that the durations wont be 'off'?: (For instance, keep everything from 12/17 together, and keep everything from 12/18 together while still grouping by ID?)
ID Starttime Endtime timediff
A 12/17/2019 9:29:24 PM 12/17/2019 9:29:25 PM 1
A 12/17/2019 9:29:26 PM 12/18/2019 4:50:01 PM 69635
I would like the ouput to be:
ID Starttime Endtime timediff
A 12/17/2019 9:29:24 PM 12/17/2019 9:29:25 PM 1
A 12/17/2019 9:29:26 PM
A 12/18/2019 4:50:01 PM
Any suggestion is appreciated. I will continue to research. Thank you